
People have asked us how we are coping with living in the motor home. We have several pat answers to this question. Things like “we’re enjoying every minute;” or “It’s fun to watch the sun rise from behind a different hill each morning.”

This morning I developed a different awareness of how the RV life differs from living in a fixed location. This morning we packed the Honda Civic with cloths, lunches, Guitar and all the “stuff” we would need for a three or four day trip to Spokane. At one point I recognized I was somewhat irritated as I was trying to find one more bit of “essential stuff.” I had looked in most of the bins in the “Basement” and in the “Shop Annex” and couldn’t find the two way power splitter for the lighter outlet in the car. At that point I recognized a reality. When your home is also your transportation, you are always packed for a trip. Even if you cannot find some “essential do-hickie,” it is still with youÂ…somewhere. Sure there is a check off list that I carefully follow before getting underway, but that is just part of recognizing that it is often not convenient to stop and pin a door that has started sliding too and fro.

Our motor home is like the turtle’s shell. Wherever we are, home is right there. If you are reasonably consistent in putting things in their place, everything is easy to find and use. Yes we get to watch the sun come up from behind a different hill every morning. We also get to our own food, prepared the way we like it. We sleep every night in a bed that is never too hard or too saggy. In short, we are at home wherever we are.

P.S. Thank you to all of our friends that have been keeping our family in your prayers. We are traveling to Spokane to visit Gary’s Dad, ChesterÂ….perhaps for the last time.