Category Archives: bicycling

Ride the Dragon:

Judy and I ride our homebuilt recumbent tandem bicycle just about where ever we go. On Monday we set out to ride from Gilroy to the outskirts of San Jose to have lunch with Glen and his family. We cut our time too short so with a few quick calls on the cell phone we arranged to meet everyone in Morgan Hill at the Morgan Hill Museum. The museum was closed but they had a nice garden with benches where we ate our lunch.

Continue reading Ride the Dragon:

Power to the Humans, II

Jane and Mercedes Get a Ride on Path

This is Path again reporting from the Human Power Challenge for 2007.

This is certainly a fun place to visit because there are so many fantastic recumbent bicycles and the special “‘bent” people who ride them. Let me define “‘bent” people. These are folks who often commute by bicycle. It is not unusual for them to have three or four bicycles with each new bicycle being a little more extreme than the last one. Continue reading Power to the Humans, II

Power to the Humans:

My Humans, Gary and Judy, took me to the Human Power Challenge, 2006 this week. Imagine my surprise when they opened the doors of my trailer and there were recumbent bicycles just everywhere. There were Tour Easys, Gold Rushes and Bacchettas. There were home built bicycles and streamliners. Everyone was just romping around, splashing in the rain puddles and having a glorious time. Other humans came by and snapped my picture and I held very still and made sure my paint gleamed its finest. Continue reading Power to the Humans:

The Tour:

You surly have heard of “The Tour de France.” We spent today watching “The Tour of California.” It just so happened that the company that our son, Glen, works for, IBM, has volunteered their parking and entrance area as the staging area for the third leg of a new race called The Tour of California. Many of the riders in this race are top contenders in the Tour de France and other top rated bicycle races around the world. Continue reading The Tour: