Swimming Lessons

Well Papa and Nana got to go along for Georgia Ann’s swimming lesson yesterday. Yes I know that Georgia Ann is just turning eight months old tomorrow. What you may not know is that her Mommy, Renee, works at Nike. As you might guess, Nike has some world class sports facilities including an Olympic style competition swimming pool. Employees get to use these facilities, for a fee, of course. Indeed they have infant swimming lessons.

Here is how the day took shape. About four thirty, Judy and I picked up Georgia Ann from the day care. We drove her over to the Nike campus and then went through a comedy of errors trying to meet up with Renee. We got it sorted out over the cell phones and finally got together and arrived at the Lance Armstrong Fitness Center. Nana and Mommy dressed Georgia Ann while I hung around and twirled the bicycle wheel mobiles on the wall and looked over the memorabilia from Lance Armstrong’s career. Finally Georgia Ann and Renee were ready and we all congregated at the two foot deep end of the Olympic Wading Pool. Older children were being taught in the deeper competition swim pool. Renee and Georgia Ann joined about twenty other babies with their Mommies or Daddies and they all started “Splishing and a Splashing.” The babies were all having a wonderful time. The instructor circulated around giving each baby and parent individual instruction. I only saw one case of tears after a dolphin dive exercise. Georgia Ann enjoyed every minute even the dolphin dive.

Of course I have photos! You may see the photos below. I even caught Georgia Ann at the depth of her dolphin dive, totally under water.

Today was interesting as well. Judy went over to the Tice’s home to care for Georgia Ann. Neil and Renee both went off to work, and I stayed at the coach doing backup on the computer and a battery project in the shop trailer. Just after lunch, Judy called to tell me she had taken Georgia Ann and gone out the back door of their house into the new family room to fetch a clean diaper from the laundry. She had pulled the door shut to keep Bouse, the cat, from following her. I am sure you can guessÂ…the door was locked from the inside and Bouse doesn’t know how to open it. She could remember our number so I was called to call Renee to get her to come and let her back in. You see neither of us really know Renee’s number. We just know that if you push button 2 and hold it down, Renee usually answers. I have no idea how we ever got along without cell phones. Funny you should ask! I still remember my home phone from my childhood. Glenwood 8-4104 and my Grandmother’s number was FAirfax 8-0568. And that was only later, for it originally was Glenwood 4104 and FAirfax 0568. Am I showing my age or what? At least it wasn’t “two longs and a short.”

Well time to wish about half of you Happy Mother’s Day and sign off. Goodbye and love to all from Hillsboro Oregon for the next couple weeks.

Gary and Judy

Georgia Ann Swimming
Georgia Ann Swimming
Georgia Ann Dolphin Dive
Georgia Ann Does a Dolphin Dive
Georgia Ann's Cool Shades
I'm Such a Cool Cat In My Shades