Mid-summer Update:

Last report left you in suspense. Does the boat still leak? Will he try to re-caulk the windows?

We will find the answer to the first question this week. We are going to join friends and sail down the Columbia River from St. Helens, Oregon to Astoria, Oregon.

Sure and be-gory, me favorite weather prognosticator, Mr. Murphy, is going to be sure that we get a good test of all systems. Apparently a low pressure system is going to camp out over our area for the next few days.

As to the second question I emulated my favorite comic strip character, Dagwood Bumstead. I removed all of the screws in one of the windows. I picked up my new power putty-knife and skillfully sliced around the window except for a wee little corner I couldn’t get to. I then gently pushed the window out of its hole in the hull. That wee little corner was holding tight. I pushed a wee bit harder. No go! I searched out my “persuader,” a twelve inch pry bar. I ever so gently put a little more pressure on the window…CRACK…!

Now here is a bit of wisdom. “Good common sense is a collection of lessons learned from moments of skillfully applied bad judgment.”

The old windows have now all been removed, mostly in pieces. I trimmed and smoothed the hull openings and created templates for the windows. New smoke gray Lexan windows have been cut at a local plastics supply house. These are all caulked in place and they look sharp. Will they leak? I guess the rain will test them. However I have a philosophy that says there are only two kinds of boat windows, (ports to you old salts.) Those that leak and those that are about to leak!

I will post a photo of the new windows on the web site. Now if you don’t go to look at the windows you should still go look at the other photo posted there. We had all of the grandchildren together for lunch one day. Within a few short minutes Grandson Bryce had taught his cousin, Georgia a new trick. I have a priceless photo you must see.

Love to all from Gary and Judy.

Monkey See Monkey Do
Grandchildren Bryce and Georgia Learning New Tricks
Regal Jug.
Regal Jug Gets New Windows and Shiny New Varnish