Tag Archives: boondocking

Scrambled Bands

It has been a while since I sent out a blog. We have been doing Bluegrass music about every day. There are five festivals in January and February here in Southeast California and Southwest Arizona. We have just finished up the fourth festival, it is in Quartzsite. The highlight of the weekend for us was the band scramble. This is my fourth band scramble, and I know I have written about the others, but it is just so much fun that I have to tell you the story of this one too.

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Porta-Potty Bluegrass

Here we are in Yuma Arizona. We are just a mile from the famous Yuma Arizona Territorial Prison, but that is a different story. Once again we are camped with a bunch of Bluegrass enthusiasts. Tonight after supper I heard the faint strum of guitar and banjo near the coach and I grabbed my guitar and headed out. What I found was two guys, a guitar and a banjo picker, standing over a Coleman lantern singing bluegrass right next to the porta-potty. Continue reading Porta-Potty Bluegrass