Spokane Jazz Festival

We are in Spokane Washington at the moment. We spent yesterday at the Jazz festival with Gary’s Father, Chester. We all had a great time. The bands were fabulous.

Renee and Neil joined us here, and everywhere they took to the dance floor there were admirers to stop by and complement them on their dancing. Recognize that youthful dancers are rare at these Dixieland affairs.

Today we are scheduled to play guitar and sing at Dad’s home at the Guardian Angles in Liberty Lake. We will stay a couple more days with Gary’s sister, Holly, on the lake at Newman Lake, and then we will work our way to Bend for the annual Plymouth Presbyterian Church camp-out at Prineville reservoir.

We are still camping out of the back of our Honda Civic, although we are looking hard for a very narrow range of RV Campers. About 75% of the Diesel coaches out there cannot handle the trailer that we plan to tow. Beyond that we are trying to keep the size modest, if you can think of 34 to 36 foot long as modest. The big ones are 40 to 45 ft long. Then to make it all the harder, we have a tight budget. It is fun looking, and we have met some interesting salesmen in our search. When you think of it a sales-persons real job is to listen to what you want and then modify that need to something that they have, and sell you that. So far we have been able to stay the course.

Sunny greeting Chester and Holly
Chester gets a little smooch from Sunny.